Big Blog Update
7:34 PM Posted In Babette Dolls , button fairies Edit This 2 Comments »A few weeks ago I attended my 20yr Highschool reunion in Wauchope, NSW. It's hard to believe that it has been 20 years since I was at school....I don't feel that old. It was a tradition in our school that when you reach yr 11 the form had to adopt a name and it was used in sporting matches against the grade 12's, fun days etc. After being cooped up for ages in a hot school hall (no air conditioning in those days), we decided to name ourselves the 'Yoghurt Blowflies', a name we wore with pride as we defeated the 'Limespiders' in various events.
Here's a photo of the girls, Julie, me, Kirrily, Kylie, Melissa (Biddle) and Lisa in the front.
Now on the craft front I have been working on a new doll. Her name is Babette. She is all hand embroidered and has beading and button detailing. I have a few minor modifications and then will have her for sale in me etsy store. Let me know what you think of her.
My friend Niss has gone button fairy mad. Check out her blog here to have a look at what she's been making. I think they are so cute and inspired me to create a stitchery version of a button fairy.
I think she has turned out to be quiet cute and I had a lot of fun making her. I've drawn up a few designs version of her and plan to make some more.
Speaking of Niss, she is very fortunate to work in a thread and bead store. I popped in for a visit last week and they were having a sale. I stocked up on a whole heap of beads, threads, wool (I'm making a felted bag) and needle felting equipment (always have wanted to give it a go).
Here is the beads I bought. Don't they look yummy??? I can't wait to start creating with them. I have so many ideas in my head and things I want to try. My two weeks annual leave over christmas will largely be spent crafting. I have a heap of different things in various stages of production....some for christmas presents and some just because I want to make them. I am hoping to get them finished this week and then I will be able to share them with you then.
I'm off to bed now to do some reading. I started reading the Twilight series of books a couple of weeks ago and I am totally obsessed. I've nearly finished the third book in the series and can't wait to read the 4th. My son has also started reading it as well and is also enjoying it.
Until next time (hopefully it wont be as long as it took to write the last update),
Terri xx
Congratulations Terri!! That must be such a relaxing feeling for you! I love Babette (O: Nice colors and the beads and buttons are the finishing touch. Isn't it nice to have time to be creative in a different way again.
I started Twilight too, but somehow I can't get through it. My daughter wants me to hurry up, so that she can read it and we can go to watch the movie after that. Guess I'll have it planned for Christmas. Have a wonderful week!
hi Terri I just wanted to let you know that because of ongoing health problems and such limited time each day to try and make things I want to make and all the other stuff too that I am pulling out of the Pay It Forward. I am sorry if this is a blow to you but I just have to do what works best for me. I'm really sorry about this hugs from Linda
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