Welcome to my new blog
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Hi and welcome to my new blog. Now you may be wondering why it is called "T is for Teeyore". The answer is that a few years ago, after we had been out for a family dinner my 3 year old niece yelled out to me 'Bye auntie Teeyore!'. She was obviously having trouble saying Terri and the name has stuck as a bit of a nickname. I also tend to use it as my username on forum boards.
For a little bit about me..... I am a nurse on a neuro & ortho ward and also work parttime as a hospital bed manager, sometimes I am the staffing manager and will also be after hours hospital coordinator when they need leave relief. This year, I am also going to be a Uni student. The hospital is paying for me to do my Graduate Certificate in neurosurgical Nursing through RMIT in Melbourne. It's all due to start in March and I am getting nervous as the time fast approaches. Just not sure how I will juggle everything.
I love scrapbooking. I have met some wonderful people and made some good friends through the world of scrapping. I have been getting more immersed in the world of digital scrapbooking. I think it makes more sense economically as the kits you buy can be reused time and again and also be altered to create many differing looks. With hybrid Scrapping (combination of paper & digi scrapping), I've made some lovely projects and presents for family and friends.
Stitcheries and quilting is another love of mine. I started a design business last year but with the increasing workload at the hospital and the kids haven't been able to get it where I want it. I had grand plans to relaujnch it this year but now I'm at Univeristy may have to put it on hold until the end of the year.
My husband is a security officer at the hospital. My daughter is very involved in dancing and is at the studio 4 nights a week (as she's only 10 I have to be up at the studio a lot as well). My son is a SES cadet and hopefully will get a partime job soon (more running around for me).
Now I have been known to be a pretty bad blogger, but I am planning on changing this. For this reason I wanted to start afresh with a brand new blog. I'm not promising to update daily but am going to aim for at least a weekly update. I hope you check back from time to time and please leave you blog details so I can have a look at yours. I love looking at other people's blogs.
Till next time.
For a little bit about me..... I am a nurse on a neuro & ortho ward and also work parttime as a hospital bed manager, sometimes I am the staffing manager and will also be after hours hospital coordinator when they need leave relief. This year, I am also going to be a Uni student. The hospital is paying for me to do my Graduate Certificate in neurosurgical Nursing through RMIT in Melbourne. It's all due to start in March and I am getting nervous as the time fast approaches. Just not sure how I will juggle everything.
I love scrapbooking. I have met some wonderful people and made some good friends through the world of scrapping. I have been getting more immersed in the world of digital scrapbooking. I think it makes more sense economically as the kits you buy can be reused time and again and also be altered to create many differing looks. With hybrid Scrapping (combination of paper & digi scrapping), I've made some lovely projects and presents for family and friends.
Stitcheries and quilting is another love of mine. I started a design business last year but with the increasing workload at the hospital and the kids haven't been able to get it where I want it. I had grand plans to relaujnch it this year but now I'm at Univeristy may have to put it on hold until the end of the year.
My husband is a security officer at the hospital. My daughter is very involved in dancing and is at the studio 4 nights a week (as she's only 10 I have to be up at the studio a lot as well). My son is a SES cadet and hopefully will get a partime job soon (more running around for me).
Now I have been known to be a pretty bad blogger, but I am planning on changing this. For this reason I wanted to start afresh with a brand new blog. I'm not promising to update daily but am going to aim for at least a weekly update. I hope you check back from time to time and please leave you blog details so I can have a look at yours. I love looking at other people's blogs.
Till next time.

Hi, Well done on the New Blog, love your banner, will have to get you to teach me one day how to do that!!!
Your new blog looks great Love it! Well Done
Well hello miss, and congrats on the new blog, looks great, very informative, I just learned a few things I didn't know about you, hmmmmmmm, going to be a better blogger this time are we...ROTFL...Whoops...I should talk...
Just LOVE the nickname they are priceless when they come from little ones....One of my DD's has the n/name Boo Boo from my GS as she used to play Boo with him so everyone in the family calls her that and my DS got ORGGY as DG couldn't say Robbie.
Love the new blog. Nice to see the evening was productive for you. lol.
P.s Wanna teach me how to do a banner too?
Hi Terri
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and saying hello! Love the title of your blog and love the story behind it too.
Sounds like you have a full and busy life. And that you are discovering lots of new things too.
Look forward to learning more about you and seeing your art.
Kind regards
Dot :)
Lets see if we can all be better bloggers lol. Love the new one by the way
Ghee Whiz, thanks guys for the nice comments and thans so much Dot for taking the time to have a look at my blog.... not much here at present though
Congrats on the new blog. You are a very busy lady - how you find time to do everything and Blog is amazing! :)
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