Free BOM I found.
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Now on the craft front I have been working on a new doll. Her name is Babette. She is all hand embroidered and has beading and button detailing. I have a few minor modifications and then will have her for sale in me etsy store. Let me know what you think of her.
My friend Niss has gone button fairy mad. Check out her blog here to have a look at what she's been making. I think they are so cute and inspired me to create a stitchery version of a button fairy.
I think she has turned out to be quiet cute and I had a lot of fun making her. I've drawn up a few designs version of her and plan to make some more.
Speaking of Niss, she is very fortunate to work in a thread and bead store. I popped in for a visit last week and they were having a sale. I stocked up on a whole heap of beads, threads, wool (I'm making a felted bag) and needle felting equipment (always have wanted to give it a go).
Here is the beads I bought. Don't they look yummy??? I can't wait to start creating with them. I have so many ideas in my head and things I want to try. My two weeks annual leave over christmas will largely be spent crafting. I have a heap of different things in various stages of production....some for christmas presents and some just because I want to make them. I am hoping to get them finished this week and then I will be able to share them with you then.
I'm off to bed now to do some reading. I started reading the Twilight series of books a couple of weeks ago and I am totally obsessed. I've nearly finished the third book in the series and can't wait to read the 4th. My son has also started reading it as well and is also enjoying it.
Until next time (hopefully it wont be as long as it took to write the last update),
Terri xx
Here is a sketch of one of the fabulous creations from the scene at Ascot. The hats were just incredible and so big. No two costumes were the same. It was such an amazing site to see so many of these wonderful creations all together. Lyn, was so excited and couldn't stop talking about them on the drive home.
Here's another example of Eliza Doolittle's costume at Ascot.
Everything was so well thought out and everything was colour coordinated to perfection. It was a wonderful way to spend the last day of my mini break....back to work today. Eight more weeks of university to go. I haven't been as diligent as I should have so it is going to be heads down until then....may not get much stitching done (but I will certainly try).
Until next time.
Terri xx
I just spent the day with my friend Jo teaching her how to do redwork stitcheries. She is going to make up one of my original designs as a present for her friend's birthday. And tonight, my friend Milly has just phoned to say she wants to come over and have me teach her to make dotee dolls. What a wonderful way to spend the whole day and night, being with friends and sharing my love of craft. I love helping others discover their own love of craft.
Now I can't end this post without sharing a photo of Lockyer going for his first swim in our pool. At first he was scared and kept going to the side, but after a while he started to enjoy it and we couldn't get him to get out of the pool. Mark will kill me for putting this photo of him on my blog, but it was so cute seeing him teaching Locky to get used to the pool. Mark doesn't have any kids of his own (although he treats mine like they were his own), so this puppy is very much his baby. I love watching the two of them together.
Well I better get going. I want to have a shower before Milly arrives and the stitching continues.
Terri xx
This is the beautiful card he gave me. Doesn't it look like a scrapbook layout?
On the sewing front, I have been having a lot of fun. I haven't sewn anything that wasn't my own design for a couple of years so have had fun sewing from patterns. I've been getting up early and going into my craft studio before anyone else wakes up and having a lovely time locked away in there by myself.
This is a chair caddy I made using a free pattern from Helen from Hugs n' Kisses. She has started a wonderful project called a Stitcher's Angel. It was set up as a swap where prominent designers designed free projects for people to use, you could join as a swap member or just use the available free patterns. The patterns so far have been lovely and include pin cushions, totes and a scissor keeper. You should go and have a look. There is also a link to the flikr group and it is interesting to see everyone's interpretation on the pattern.
I would have loved to have been a part of the swap but just didn't have the time. So I made this arm chair caddy using the free pattern, but added my own stitchery to it. I also added a thread catcher to the design that can be removed if needed. I used some lovely Heather bailey fabric as well as red and aqua polka-dot fabric I had in my stash.
I just love it and it is very handy to have all my threads etc at hand while I am stitching.
I am also working on a new stitchery quilt design using some very pretty and girly fabrics I bought off etsy. I've been enjoying doing this stitchery. Here it is with the design drawn on one of the blocks just before I started stitching it. I'll post some more photos when I've stitched some more.
I have a week off work and although I need to get on top of my uni work (can't believe there is only nine weeks to go). I am planning on catching up with friends, sewing, tidying up around the house and enjoying having time to myself to do whatever I want to do. Mark will be working and the kids have gone to Cairns for a holiday with their Dad, so I will have the house to myself. Yippee!! It will be bliss.
Well I have to run and take my dog Benson to the vet. He is a 14 year old shitzu-pomeranian cross who has a rather nasty lump on his back paw. It has been there for a while but has been very small. I just noticed yesterday that it is now the size of an egg and looks very vascular and is starting to spread his toes apart (do dog's have toes?). So I hope it isn't anything too serious. He's a bit of a pain as he has never been a very affectionate dog, barks alot, is deaf and incontinent, but I still love him and wouldn't like anything to happen to him.
Terri xx
This is the first one I have for sale in my etsy shop.
Amika Doll #1
A girl at work wanted me to make her one in soft girly colours. Not what I would usually do but I think she turned out quite pretty.
Here is the first batch of these little ladies, waiting to be sewn together and stuffed. Don't they all look yummy together?
And here they are waiting for the finishing touches....beads, buttons, trim & ribbons. This is the best part of making these little dolls. It is so relaxing sewing on the beads and other details.
I also finished another Ruby Doll. I love these little dolls.
I made this special round dotee doll as a surprise for a very special person. I really hope she likes it. I loved the brown & pinks on this fabric.
While I was sewing in my studio I looked up and saw all these pretty dolls.....and thought what a lovely view.
Well that's about it for this blog post. I have some more dolls waiting to be embellished.
T xx